Tanimbar Weaving Fabrics Should Be Promoted
at the date of
Thursday, November 23, 2017

According to Chairman of the union branch of police wives in MTB or Bhayangkari, Mrs. Hery Dian Dwiharto, Tanimbar Islands has beautiful woven fabric with various motifs namely Sair, Tunis, Matantur, Orchid Flower, Wulan Lihir, Eman Matan Lihir and Ulerati.
"The motives of woven fabric in Tanimbar are very numerous and various types, ranging from Selaru to the island of Fordata" said Mrs. Hery in Sanggar Natar Sere, Tumbur Village, Wertamrian District on Monday (20/11).
She asked the people of Tanimbar should be proud of this tradition, because the woven tanimbar fabric has been promoted overseas, one of them is the Wastra Nusantara at the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Tokyo, Japan in early April 2017.
"Wastra Indonesia through designers Wignyo Rahadi and Chossy have introduced the beauty of Tanimbar's weaving to the world," she explained.
She said the woven studio like this are hard to find. So there should be support from all parties, especially from local governments to empowering the potential of this tradition.
"Studio like this should be improved even more, because to find a studio that led by Mrs. Olifa Reresi is very difficult. Because she is the most skilled weave and hardly to get people like her, "she added.
In addition to the already rare start of weaving studios, she also considered the younger generation Tanimbar in MTB less interested in the art of weaving.
"Maybe because most people think weaving is an outdated habit. And if you can mix with the current trend, it will become a modern woven fabric. While the overseas people are a classic-classic," she said.
She hopes the local government in this case the Department of Tourism and the Creative Economy has a big responsibility to further promote this Tanimbar weaving.
"My hope this studio will be great because the government assistance that cooperates in promoting this potential, because the thing that the weavers are most concerned about is the marketing problem" she said. (Laura Sobuber)