Tanimbar Students Want to Revive The Math and English Village
at the date of
Tuesday, April 17, 2018

SAUMLAKI, LELEMUKU.COM - Chairman of the Student Executive Board (BEM) at Saumlaki School of Science and Education (STKIPS), Yayasan Pendidikan Tinggi Rumpun Lelemuku Saumlaki (YPT-RLS), Simon Samangun wants to revive the activities of Math dan English learning in Arui Das Village, Wertamrian Sub-district, West Southeast Maluku District, Maluku Province.
"I want to reshape the Kampung Matematika and English in a village of Arui Das, Wertamrian Sub-district. This program has been run by BEM last year, "Simion said when interviewed Lelemuku.com on Campus Lememini, Lauran on Monday (16/04).
He said the presence of STKIPS YPT-RLS aims to educate the life of the nation, especially the people in the Tanimbar Islands in accordance with STKIPS vision is to realize qualified students, based on Pancasila, 1945 Constitution and Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi so they can be empower the community and practice his knowledge, one of them by carrying out activities like this.
"For English club and Mathematics club has been running a few weeks ago in Arui Das Village," he said.
He said this is part of the teaching STKIPS program where students will be relegated to villages lacking teachers of English and mathematics, where these students will contribute through their field of knowledge to future generations of MTB.
"For this activity our governing body is accessing and surveying which villages are lacking teachers of ingris and mathematics, and then we decide which village we will visit," explained Chairman of BEM 2017 until 2018.
In addition there are some work programs in the Year 2018 will be done Simon with all board of BEM STKIPS, including forming math and english club, Student Communication Forum, STKIPS Teaching and Dies Natalis. ,
"We will form the Student Communication Forum in the form of ideas where BEM STKIPS will collect BEMs in every campus in MTB District as a forum to brainstorm the role of youth in Duan Lolat Country so that the students can benefit the people and the nation," he said. (Eva Bembuain)