Social Media Activist Delivered Public Apology to Maluku People
at the date of
Wednesday, August 29, 2018

This apology was delivered in one program on a national television, Kompas TV, on Tuesday (28/8).
"This is a reminder that I will save. This is a lesson for me so that I am more careful in speaking," he said.
Shafiq stated that he made this apology because the information submitted to the television program a few days ago was not in accordance with the facts in the field.
He hopes Maluku people can forgive this mistake.
Ambon Mayor Richard Louhenapessy responded to the apology by revealing that this slowed their efforts to shape the image of Ambon which is technology-friendly.
"Because Ambon is far from the eastern edge of Indonesia, people sometimes give wrong perceptions. But now we are developing and the government is pushing for that development by adding public facilities with a limited budget," he said.
Louhenapessy stressed that this event must be a lesson. He hopes, everyone can control themselves in giving opinions.
"From the events we face, we have to be more careful in commenting because it can be a joke, but it can be accidentally viral. If it is viral, it can be responded positively, it can also be responded negatively and it can create a split in understanding , "he insisted. (Albert Batlayeri)