5 Killed in Collision of Helicopter, Plane Over Val d'Aosta Italy
at the date of
Saturday, January 26, 2019

ROME, LELEMUKU.COM - Five people were killed Friday when a helicopter and a small tourist airplane collided near the border between France and Italy.
Italy's mountain rescue service said rescue workers found two people injured at the crash site and evacuated them.
Officials said the helicopter was carrying skiers to a glacier in the northwestern Italian region of Val d'Aosta when it collided with the tourist airplane about 3,000 meters (9,800 feet) over the Rutorglacier.
It was not immediately clear how the crash happened. The identities and nationalities of the victims had not yet been released.
Italy's Val d'Aosta regionis popular with skiers. A website for the region says skiers frequently access the area by helicopter during winter. (VOA)