Upstream Oil and Gas Industry Builds a Fighter Mentality for Papua and Maluku
at the date of
Friday, June 1, 2018

The theme of the event, which was held on Monday, 28 May 2018 in Yogyakarta was “Upstream Oil and Gas Industry Builds a Fighter Mentality”.
“The main objective of this event is to build a fighter mentality among students,” Head of SKK Migas’ Representative Office for Pamalu Region, A. Rinto Pudyantoro revealed.
Currently, there is a quite significant number of students from Pamalu Region who are studying in Yogyakarta. This activity aims to equip them with soft skills so that when they return home they can become an ambassador of change in their community.
The event was attended by approximately 220 participants, 170 of whom are students from Pamalu Region who study at UGM, UPN Veteran, STTNas, UP45, and UST Akprind. At the event, they had the opportunity to listen to motivational speakers from the representatives of upstream oil and gas contractors and SKK Migas from Pamalu Region and inspiring figures from Maluku on achieving higher.
They also declared their commitment to complete their study in a timely manner with outstanding academic achievement. The participants could also learn how to develop other soft skills needed to become an ambassador of change for themselves, their family, their region, the country.
The event features a presentation on the introduction to the upstream oil and gas industry with the main focus on the upstream oil and gas operations in Pamalu Region.
Rector of the University of Proklamasi 45 of Yogyakarta, Ir Bambang Irjanto, MBA welcomed the conduct of this event and emphasized the importance for students from Pamalu to respect their origins.
“We expect that the students will have global insights but at the same time, they do not forget their origin,” he said. (HumasSKKMigas)