Upstream Oil and Gas Industry in Papua and Maluku Opens Migas Corner at Universitas Pattimura
at the date of
Tuesday, May 29, 2018
The Migas Corner, located on the 3rd floor of Unpatti Library was officially inaugurated by Rector of Unpatti, Prof. Dr. M. J. Saptenno S.H., M. Hum. and Head of SKK Migas’ Representative of Pamalu Region, DR A. Rinto Pudyantoro MM CA., AK.
“Migas Corner is a form of our commitment to continually contribute to the academic environment, especially universities,” Rinto revealed.
This Migas Corner will be filled with a collection of literature on the upstream oil and gas industry, profiles of Oil and Gas Contractors operating in Pamalu Region, and audio-visual materials on relevant topics. “Hopefully, this Migas Corner can be an information center for Unpatti lecturers and students who are interested in learning more about the upstream oil and gas industry,” Rinto added.
Unpatti Rector Prof. Dr. M. J. Saptenno S.H., M.Hum. supports the presence of Migas Corner at Unpatti. The presence of Migas Corner is expected to help improve the understanding of the people in Maluku Province with respect to the upstream oil and gas industry operation processes.
“The presence of Migas Corner is expected to help people understand the importance of oil and gas energy,” the rector said.
Unpatti itself has initiated efforts to improve the quality of human resources related to petroleum. In 2017, Unpatti opened Department of Geological Engineering. The total number of students taking the major is 15 people and all of them receive scholarships from the Government. In this 2018 admission, in addition to the Department of Geological Engineering, Unpatti will open admission for students of Department of Geophysical Engineering and Department of Petroleum Engineering.
“Hopefully, by 2019 we will have opened Faculty of Energy and Petroleum,” DR Muspida M. Si, Vice Rector of Unpatti for Planning, Cooperation and Information Systems, told.
On the same day, SKK Migas’ Representative Office for Pamalu Region and Oil and Gas Contractors in that region also held a guest lecture at Unpatti. In the guest lecture session, Oil and Gas Contractors of Pamalu Region had the opportunity to present profiles and operational activities in their respective working areas.
Rinto said that this guest lecture activity is the beginning of the Upstream Oil and Gas Teaching program initiated by the SKK Migas’ Representative Office of Pamalu Region. Through the Upstream Oil and Gas Teaching activities, people working in the upstream oil and gas industry from various disciplines will be present in the lecture classes at Unpatti.
“With the Upstream Oil and Gas Teaching Program, the presence of the upstream oil and gas industry at the campus will be more intensive and frequent,” Rinto concluded. (HumasSKKMigas)