Herman Adrian Koedoeboen and Abdullah Vanath Want to Make Maluku a Prosperous Province
at the date of
Wednesday, March 14, 2018

According to Herman, various problems that occurred in the province of Maluku should be resolved, rather than left alone. He is ready to make changes with new things.
"That's why it's great to change. Substantially and fundamentally, "Herman said when delivering the Oration in campaign at the Galaxy Hotel Hall, Saumlaki, Southeast West Mollucas Regency on Saturday (10/03).
According to him, the changes offered are the certainty of not continuing poverty, deterioration and unhealthy bureaucracy.
He intends to re-activate the function of coaching and supervision of government as a whole.
"Thus the function of the Province in the guidance and supervision shall control its utilization and the proper allocation of its members. It betrays the people's mandate. Leaders should not be so, this is what we need to improve all the districts and cities we have to improve, "he said.
Furthermore, Haji Abdullah Vanath said the position of a governor is to oversee every local official in the province, so that the function of government service to the community can work well.
"We will maximize to supervise the performance of the regents in accordance with the rules. to improve the welfare of my community make sure this is because the rule now governor's position was reinforced with the function of the wagub more strengthened. Well this will give a very big hope so I can perform that function well, "he said.
The campaign that was attended by hundreds of sympathizers was also colored by the oration from Drs. Bitzael S. Temmar, Fredek Kormpaulun, Liberatus Fenanlampir, Elsye Syauta Latuheru and Joseph Sikteubun. (Anna Aurmatin / Laura Sobuber)