The Crucifixion in Ambon Potentially Becomes a Religious Tourism Object
at the date of
Tuesday, April 17, 2018

AMBON, LELEMUKU.COM - Maluku Provincial Government Officer Zeth Sahuburua assessed that The Crucifixion held in Ambon City, besides being a ritual ceremony held on Easter commemoration, could also fill the regional tourism calendar, especially religious tourism.
The same thing has been done in the process of The Crucifixion in Larantuka, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), has been very global. Iven is famous as a religious tourism activities that are attended by domestic and foreign tourists.
"Hopefully, the process of the Crucifixion in Maluku will also be worldwide," said Sahuburua when he unloaded the procession of the Cross Road, which crosses a number of main roads in Ambon City on Friday (30/3).
In the atmosphere of facing the Easter Christ 2018, Sahuburua invites Christians in this area to give thanks to the presence of God, who, by Love and unfortunately, we are all guided to this day.
"Today Christians in the province of Maluku, in Indonesia and even around the world have entered the weeks of the Passion of Jesus Christ or whom we know on Easter Sunday, and at this moment an event aimed at commemorating Jesus' sacrifice for the salvation of mankind, even the people of this world, organized by the brothers of Catholics in the city of Ambon and surrounding areas, "he said.
The procession of the dramatization of the passion narrative of Jesus Christ or the procession of The Crucifixion, he says, must have a deep message and meaning.
"This is not just an open, public outcome, but a procession of Christian belief and conviction that a person is willing to suffer, willing to sacrifice his soul and body for the benefit of many," Sahuburua said.
And this passion of the Passion of Jesus Christ, judged, is a sign of God's solidarity with man. This passionate story also wants to affirm that suffering and misery are part of the history of mankind that exists throughout the world.
"All that, is a portrait of the world today, which is a threat of suffering for us. Against such a social reality, this event may find its relevance. Religions are present to provide answers to the reality of suffering to answer the challenges of the future that we face, '' he explained.
Therefore, Sahuburua continued, one of the most fundamental values in this process is sacrifice. That true life is not life for oneself, but life is meaningful to others.
"Well this is very relevant to the current context, when humans tend to seek solace and seek self-satisfaction," he said.
The Via Dolorosa Road, said Sahuburua, means taking the path of misery, and living meaningfully for others. It also requires sacrifice and willingness to suffer.
"Like the figure of Jesus Christ to be remembered through the process of The Crucifixion carried out by our brothers Catholics in the city of Ambon and surrounding areas, '' he said.
Interestingly also from this event, the value of Sahuburua, that in addition to the Catholics, this event also involves all the churches in Maluku, especially in the city of Ambon.
In other words, he added, this activity is ecumenical, cross-church and cross-denominational. This is one thing that should be greeted with joy, because the churches are getting united, the churches continue to work together and do activities that are certainly beneficial to the people.
"We also hope the inter-church cooperation continues closely including building cooperation between religions and the government, '' said Sahuburua. (HumasMaluku)