SKK Migas Pamalu Holds a Media Gathering in Ambon
at the date of
Tuesday, May 29, 2018
The theme of the event, which was attended by 19 journalists from Papua and Maluku region and public relations practitioners from Oil and Gas Contractors is “Upstream Oil and Gas: Then, Now and For Better Tomorrow”.
Head of the SKK Migas Representative Office for Pamalu Region, A. Rinto Pudyantoro said that besides aiming to build a relationship with the media crew, this activity also aims to provide an opportunity for SKK Migas, Oil and Gas Contractors, and media crew to review the performance of the upstream oil and gas industry in the past, now, and in the upcoming days.
“We have to take note on what has been done in the past and from that note we can then evaluate what we can improve in the future,” Rinto revealed.
The event also announced that SKK Migas and Oil and Gas Contractors of Pamalu Region would hold a Journalistic Writing Competition for journalists in Pamalu Region. Head of Public Relations Department of SKK Migas’ Representative of Pamalu Region, Galih W. Agusetiawan, informed that the media gathering is one of the series of activities. Earlier on 11 May 2018, field trips to operational areas in Bula and Seram were conducted.
The second activity is the media gathering held today. The next events as part of the series of activities will be the Journalistic Writing Competition and Memoir Book Writing which tells the performance of some Oil and Gas Contractors of Pamalu Region whose contracts are about to expire.
“This series of activities aims to provide more public information related to upstream oil and gas activities in Pamalu region,” Galih concluded. (HumasSKKMigas)